Laineys Lair

Tuesday 23 June 2009

Red White Blue

Finally got the new kit ready, hope you like it?
I haven't made it just for 4th July so hope you get some use the rest of the year too.
It ended up with 85 pieces in total. This is a taggers size kit.
13 Papers
7 Frames
14 Flowers
32 Ribbons and Bows and
19 Misc elements



Friday 19 June 2009

Hello friends, sorry not done anything for a while, but working on a new kit right now a red/white/blue one in time for the 4th July for those that celebrate it.

Been on vacation to Florida and since geting home been playing catchup with stuff. The group I am admin in (Angels) takes a good portion of my spare time and between the two sharing groups I am in, I never seem to have enough hours in the day. Also need to get a new tut done as been neglecting those as well.
Ok better go as things to do that won't do themselves. Take care all and watch for the new Kit coming soon.